
Social Media :

To prepare, protect, rehabilitate, protect, and rehabilitate the youth intellectually, politically, scientifically, socially, culturally and sportively, and channel their energies and talents to contribute to the building of Iraq and to express the spirit of good Iraqi citizenship, respect the law, renounce violence and promote a culture of respect for opinion and opinion.

Social Media :

Organizational Chart

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi praesentium saepe, consectetur consequatur deserunt, iusto eos aspernatur labore minus odit, est! Voluptatem alias eos ut voluptatum eum numquam eligendi fuga minima possimus!u


To prepare, protect, rehabilitate, protect, and rehabilitate the youth intellectually, politically, scientifically, socially, culturally and sportively, and channel their energies and talents to contribute to the building of Iraq and to express the spirit of good Iraqi citizenship, respect the law, renounce violence and promote a culture of respect for opinion and opinion.

Organizational Chart

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi praesentium saepe, consectetur consequatur deserunt, iusto eos aspernatur labore minus odit, est! Voluptatem alias eos ut voluptatum eum numquam eligendi fuga minima possimus!u

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